Hi all, I'm Silvra

I'm a cute girl that is grey and black with with paws and facail mask. I have a tendeny not to think before I act, so they call me blondie or pinky (neve quite get this).

My hobbies are going in full thottle and if something is in the way it doesn't bather me. I just jump over the herdle. As you can hear I'm quite athletic and that is good because I LOVE LOVE food. This household don't give me nearly as much as I want(need). So 90% of the time I suspect I'll starve to death (Argh).

I love chasing coloured mice (and putting them under furniture), hrdle jumping (as I have mentioned), cuddling especially when they are reading, sleeping (I then have to be underneath the duuna), and working on the cumputer.I love exploting and clmbing into things: bags, closets, beds, saunas yu name it I have to exploe it and test sleep it. I tend to compete with my lame ass brother who is the best milkstepper (I swear I'm the champion).

Oh I do train Yoga regulalry to, will show you the best sleeping posiions some day.

A brush = death sentence and clipping claws = torture (I swear they try and break aver single bone in my paws). The ear, mouth, nose & eye check I can stand, BUT just.
A horrid man let me outside when I was just 4 months & they didn't let me back in for FOUR days!!!! I do enjoy being outdoors, but can the guys PLEASE stay AWAY FROM ME!!! I'm not interested in these nasty stuff they suggest.

For most & all I'm a LADY!
Toodles my loved ones.