I'm a black longhaired mixed breed between norweigan forest cat and plain farmers cat.
I was born on Cinamon roll day in october, but do't really see what the amazig thing about this should be. I have two siblings one longhared ginger brother that I haven't seen since that god forsaken day in december (13th) when that tall girl abrouplty took me and my sister away from mom and pt us in that HORRIDLY tiny apartment.
My favoite spot is the top pouch on the clawig tree, under neath the bed, on the bedspread using legs as a pillow. or in the bathroom sink.
Playing with toys are for babies (I'm so over that), ut moving things along that makes a nocie especially during the night is great! OH and tearing down wallpaper is a blast, just don't understand why they get so upset on me!!
I'm not quite sure why they call me the "Brain" but I guess we'll find out any day now.
Food is overrated, but fur tastes ggreat especially if its all piled up on the floor that means I an eat it and the throw it back up on the door mat (is that what they call an eating disorder?)
That its for me now. If you wanna now something more about me just ask.
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